big mansion

Becoming a successful real estate agent means wholeheartedly dedicating yourself to a demanding field with an incredible quantity of moving parts. From the core work of building trusting relationships with clients to the juggling of showings, marketing strategies, listing details, complex contracts, and much more, effective time management is key. That being said, finding your rhythm and joy as a realtor is about much more than just the effective allocation of time. To truly excel in your field, you’ll need to push the envelope and set yourself apart in professionally meaningful ways.

Even the agents with the most experience and real estate success must constantly adjust to the ever-changing realities of market trends and client expectations. And, no matter where you are in your professional journey, there’s always much to learn. The habits below can provide forward momentum for realtors of all experience levels and can be adapted to your personal circumstances in a variety of creative ways:

1. Develop a Strong Social Media Presence

As more digital natives reach the age where they’re looking to purchase properties, the real estate industry is increasingly reliant on social media platforms. And if you haven’t yet cultivated a strong social media presence, you’re missing out.

In addition to expanding your reach and helping facilitate referrals and generate leads, your social media presence can also help you establish yourself as a trusted community expert. Share your knowledge along with your listings, engage with questions and comments, and remember that high quality, consistent video content is key to building a leading real estate brand.  

2. Build & Maintain Relationships

Relationships are at the heart of realty, and nurturing them requires dedication and authenticity. As a licenced real estate agent, you guide clients through some of the most impactful moments of their lives. And if you do it with genuine care, they’ll notice and will provide you with organic referrals when opportunities present themselves.

Whether you’re listing a property or representing buyers, remember to listen carefully to your clients’ needs and give them your undivided attention, no matter how busy you may be. Treat every potential client like a priority, no matter their budget, and maintain relationships with past clients even once a sale or purchase is complete.

3. Become a Market Expert

Prospective clients can type a query into a search engine and read about the real estate business to their hearts’ content. So, why should they listen to you? As a realtor, your expertise in the local market is truly what sets you apart and makes your time and input valuable. Demonstrate the benefits of hands-on experience by sharing insights and information specific to your local area.

4. Find a Mentor

Experienced realtors have incredible gifts to share, so if you’re new in the real estate industry, consider seeking out mentorship opportunities or training programs in your local area. Building relationships with other real estate agents is a key component of becoming a successful agent yourself. Consider mentoring others if you’re already well established!

5. Commit to Being Available

Being a realtor is not a 9-5 job. If you want to get a foothold, you need to be available 24/7, especially when you’re just starting out. Speak with clients about their preferred methods of communication, and then be prepared to respond to incoming calls and messages at every moment of the day or night. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s a necessity in the industry.

6. Utilize Technology to Streamline Business Practices

A beautiful and innovative website is a good start, but utilizing technology to streamline your business practices also involves being available via various social media channels, engaging with clients in a timely manner on a variety of platforms, and creating a consistent video content strategy. Looking to elevate your property marketing game? Why not consider virtual staging as an option.

7. Share Your Knowledge

When clients are looking for the perfect property, part of your job is to help them imagine their lives there. Paint a picture using your knowledge of local neighbourhoods, events, culture, and services. To truly highlight a property’s community, consider showcasing it in your property video tour.

8. Get Professional Photos & Video Taken for Listings

A picture is worth a thousand words, and an exceptional image or video is worth a thousand low-quality pictures. Ignite your clients’ imaginations with professional photography and videography from Calgary Real Estate Photos and set yourself apart within a highly competitive industry.

Providing services for residential and commercial properties as well as Airbnb and vacation rentals, the Calgary Real Estate Photos team is always ready to serve you personally and collaborate to bring your vision to life using state-of-the-art techniques. Contact us today for more information!